February 2022 will be a month of intensive preparations for the second piloting of the State Matura and a month of webinars organized by the State Matura Project for teachers, students and parents to get better acquainted with the process of introducing the state matura.

An intensive schedule of webinars is planned within the State Matura Project so that as many interested participants in the process as possible can get the necessary information.

The series opened on February 2 with the webinar All About the State Matura, intended for secondary school teachers. The participants were Miloš Blagojević, Assistant Minister for Secondary and Adult Education, and Gregor Mohorčič, Team Leader of the State Matura Project.

What do we know about the state matura so far, and what is essential for teachers to know about the state matura? - were the questions the webinar, which was followed live by about 2000 teachers on the Zoom platform and the State MaturaFacebook page, tried to answer.

What makes the State Matura a state exam, what is the difference between general, vocational and artistic matura, which subjects will be taken within the mandatory part of the matura, why is there an elective part of the exam and which subjects can be chosen, why is the state matura introduced, what is the purpose of piloting, why will the students who will finish high school in 2022 participate in the piloting and how to motivate them to take these exams seriously, although the results will not affect their grades - participants explained in detail to the webinar attendees. In line with the efforts of the State Matura Project and the Ministry of Education to build trust in the State Matura through open and transparent communication, teachers were introduced to challenges and issues that are still open, such as standardising test quality, ensuring the safety of the exams or defining enrolment criteria to higher education institutions, and activities that are carried out so that the answers to these questions are defined as soon as possible.

By the end of February, a webinar for parents and two more webinars for teachers - one to discuss issues related to the general matura and the other for teachers at secondary vocational schools, will be realised.

The slides used during the webinar are available on the State Matura website, and those interested can watch a video of the webinar on the State Matura Facebook page.

Last updated: March 4, 2025, 08:13